Sabine Viktoria Kofler

Sabine Viktoria Kofler is a historian and author. She completed her studies in history (BA and MA) at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck with an analysis of war diaries and constructions of masculinity among Austrian soldiers in World War I. Her research looks at World War I, with a particular focus on the war in the mountains on the southern front and the soldiers’ experiences of war. In 2019 she was involved in the film documentary “Dazwischen. Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino zwischen 1918-1922” by Verena Gruber and Stefan Nicolini, commissioned by RAI as part of historical film and photo research. From 2018-2020, she was a project collaborator on the South Tyrolean Wine Museum Kaltern’s research project “Der Saltner – Amtsperson und Kunstfigur. Objekte aus der Sammlung des Südtiroler Weinmuseums als dingliche Quellen für ökonomische, ökologische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und Umbrüche im Südtiroler Weinbau.” From 2021 to 2022 she has been assistant researcher (AR, unibz) for the project “Written in the Landscape”. In 2023 she published her book Adolf Hitler Entlarvt! Die Südtirolfrage im öffentlichen Diskurs 1920 bis 1928 (Raetia Verlag, 2023).